The museum only exists thanks to donations from our many supporters. A variety of ways to give include...
Donations keep the barn doors open for future generations. Checks may be sent to PO Box 41, Eldora, IA 50627. The Farm Museum is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. If you would like a receipt, please contact us.
Being a member shows your support and helps the ongoing financial needs of the museum. $20 membership dues are collected annually.
Donate antique farm equipment. Our museum collection is made up primarily of items donated by people like you. Contact us to discuss your donation.
Especially needed at this time are photographs of farmers using their machinery, working with livestock, family photos on the farm, and aerial photos of family farmsteads. Please include names of persons in the photos and family stories, if known.
Donate wish list items. The current top items on the wish list include:
Paper towels
Styrofoam cups
Bottled water
Cans of pop
Plastic tableware
Paper napkins
Give your time at events! Flip pancakes, lead children's activities, make a pie, or drive the tractor - there is something for everyone at our festivals and community events.
Do you enjoy talking to people about their childhood memories? Consider documenting stories from local farm families.
Is organization your gift? Help us catalog the collection.
Would you enjoy helping with maintenance of the facilities? Lawn mowers, painters, and snow plowers are always appreciated.
These are great opportunities for Eagle Scout projects, 4-H Clubs, church youth groups, silver cord volunteer hours, and all other community groups! Contact us at for additional information.